Kid Birthday Party Themes

Searching for the perfect kid birthday party themes and kid birthday party idea?

This can be a little risky if you are not as familiar with the latest animated characters, as you think you might be.

This is where the majority of parents get frustrated searching for a kid birthday party idea or birthday party theme, especially when there are so many different and popular themes to choose from.

Instead of rolling the dice on a kid birthday party idea, decorations, games, party theme, or even your party activities, here’s a simple solution: just ask your kids.

How am I so sure?

Ever had your kids leave an ice cream parlor empty handed because they couldn’t decide on their favorite flavor? Not a chance!

You’ll get the same results when you ask them to select their favorite kid birthday party idea, kid birthday party treats, party activities and birthday party decorations.

Their satisfaction with these selections will be as great as they were with their ice cream selections. The beauty of it is……

All their favorite birthday party flavors are listed below. Just click on one of these kid birthday party themes and…have a piece of cake.

Here are the coolest kid
birthday party themes in partyland !

scooby doo party
Kim Possible Party

Shrek Party!

Bratz birthday
Elmo Party!

Wiggles party

Finding Nemo party
Bob the Builder

Blues Clues

Lion King


Mulan Party Theme
Dora the Explorer Party Theme

Power Rangers

Yu-Gi-Oh Party Theme
Shark Tale Party Theme

Be sure to check out our Unique Themes, and our Classic Themes.