Creating A Kid Birthday Party Idea is
as E-Z as A-B-C

Creating a kid birthday party idea is a piece of cake. If you can click on a mouse you can click on a party!

I’m not talking about just throwing together a party, anyone can do that!

Just toss together the basic staples and voilla, instant Animal House!

I don’t know about you, but this sounds a little Spooky to me.

So what’s the solution?

Birthday party planning is a necessity

  • Party planning is paramount for your kid’s birthday party. It allows you to maintain control, and focus on the flow of the party. It determines how successful, and how much fun, your party will be.

    It’s very true that if you create this kid birthday party idea, by clicking on your mouse and just following a few examples, your party will start to take shape, your creative juices will start to flow, and your enthusiasm will begin to rage. The beauty of it is, your kids can pick and choose their very own kid party idea as we go along, helping to create their own special kid party activity.

    O.K. Crunch time, lets get this show on the road.

    Helpful hints and timely tips for a great kid birthday party idea:

  • Huddle up and cuddle up with your kids, you’ll need their input and answers to questions and selections about their party theme or special event. You may think you know the answers, but ask for sure. You may be surprised at some of the answers you get for a kid birthday party idea.

  • How many guests should you invite to your birthday party?

    A rule of thumb is to invite as many guests as your kids age plus one, however if you really want a blow out party and invite 50 people or more that’s cool . Just make sure you have 1 adult to supervise for every 5 kids at the party.

  • Where is the party to be held?

    Inside the home or backyard are most convenient. Other popular locations may be science museums, ice or roller rinks, playground or local park pools, bowling alley, or beach if you live close enough. If you need a reservation for the location you decide on, make them 3-4 weeks in advance. Follow up a week or so before the party date to make sure all is in order. If you plan on an outside party, have a backup location or shelter for plan B. Mother nature doesn’t always cooperate.

  • When is the party to be held? Be sure the date will be a convenient time for your guests, and an appropriate time of day. Avoid a conflict of scheduling with holiday occasions, school functions, or family schedules.

  • How long should the birthday party last? For pre-school kids, 1 hour is long enough. Older kids, 2-3 hours is efficient.

  • Be sure to have a lot of kid party activities. Have a kid party game, or other kid birthday party ideas planned for the children, while waiting for other guests to arrive. Take photos, have them draw pictures of themselves in your guest book, or blow up a few extra birthday party balloons. A necessary kid birthday party idea is to be sure to plan a few extra games, and activities. You will avoid a panic situation if things don’t go as perfectly as you thought they would.

  • Here is a great kid birthday party idea. Plan for a special birthday party guest to pop in for a few minutes. For example, have a relative, friend or neighbor, dress up as a birthday party clown, superhero, ballplayer or birthday theme related character. A cameo appearance is fine.

    Be discrete with birthday party invitations. Regular mail or E-mail is suggested.

  • Keep this kid birthday party idea in mind. When purchasing kid party supplies and birthday party decorations, order from one merchant if possible to save on shipping charges. If you are planning a second birthday party, or even a third party in the near future, order those kid party supplies as well. You’ll be well prepared and save additional money.

  • Be sure to check out the birthday activities on our main sight for an awesome kid birthday party idea.

  • This is where the birthday party fun really begins. Time to choose the kid birthday party theme. Remember what I said about clicking on a mouse? Click on our birthday party themes site and…. have a piece of cake.